
  • PEBBLE qcLAMP Platform

    PEBBLE qcLAMP Platform

    (CAT#000057) The PEBBLE qcLAMP Platform is a small-size and lightweight point of care diagnostic system that allows the molecular rapid detection of infectious diseases (such as COVID-19 and Influenza A) at the point of care or need.

    The system performs a real-time quantitative colorimetric loop-meditated isothermal amplification (qcLAMP) by using a novel method for heating the testing vials and reading the result.


  • COV19 qcLAMP Kit (X100 reactions)

    (CAT#000055) The COV19 qcLAMP Test is a Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) kit based on the real-time quantitative colorimetric LAMP method (qcLAMP) for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 N-gene RNA target.

    The test is performed in the Pebble qc LAMP platform which controls the reaction temperature, timing and facilitates the real-time digital colorimetric analysis of the amplification reactions.

    The COV19 qcLAMP kit does not require RNA extraction and can be used directly with nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. Alternatively, the kit can also be used with extracted RNA.

  • FLU A qcLAMP Kit (X100 reactions)

    (CAT#000056) The Flu A qcLAMP kit is a Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) kit based on the real-time quantitative colorimetric LAMP method (qcLAMP) for the detection of H1N1 & H3N2 Influenza A HA-gene RNA target.

    The test is performed in the Pebble qc LAMP platform which controls the reaction temperature, timing and facilitates the real-time digital colorimetric analysis of the amplification reactions.

    The Flu A qcLAMP kit does not require RNA extraction and can be used directly with nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. Alternatively, the kit can also be used with extracted RNA.