

BIOPIX DNA TECHNOLOGY S.A. is excited to announce the launch of our latest product, the Universal Mastermix (CAT#000054), designed for Research Use Only.

We are excited to announce the launch of our latest product, the Universal Mastermix (CAT#000054), designed for Research Use Only.

This innovative Mastermix contains all the necessary reagents (excluding primers and DNA/RNA templates) for the streamlined performance of LAMP analysis on DNA or RNA samples.

Key Features:

  • Simplifies reaction setup and enhances experiment efficiency.
  • Contains Bst and Reverse transcriptase enzymes for robust LAMP amplification in a short running time.
  • Provides high sensitivity and specificity for specific amplification of DNA and RNA genomes and fragments, even from low copy numbers.
  • Includes enzyme mix with Bst polymerase and Reverse Transcriptase, dNTPs, buffers, nuclease-free water, HNB dye, and mineral oil.
  • Each kit offers 100 reactions.

For more information on the Universal Mastermix and its applications, please visit our webpage or feel free to contact us directly.

We are confident that this product will elevate your research endeavors and look forward to supbuffers, nuclease-free water, HNB dye, and mineral oil.