
BIOPIX-T’s Universal Mastermix is one of the most stable and reliable reagent combination on the market

BIOPIX DNA TECHNOLOGY S.A. optimized Universal Mastermix contains all the required #reagents for the performance of real-time quantitative colorimetric #loop-meditated #isothermal #amplification #LAMP analysis of #DNA or #RNA samples. Only primers and the template for the target should be added.

The Universal Mastermix is #open #access and #easily #customizable to suit your #diagnostic and #research needs.

It is designed to be used on a wide range of applications; from the #detection of #human, #animal and #plant #pathogens as well as to an even wider spectrum of diseases, such as #STIs and #malaria using directly into the reaction different kinds of samples such as blood, swabs, urine, etc.

It is the most #stable and #reliable #reagent combination on the market globally which can be used alongside our flagship BIOPIX-T #PEBBLE #diagnostic #device as well as compatible isothermal amplification devices, such as #PCR machines.

Purchase now the #Universal #Mastermix from metabion at info@metabion.com (Tel: +49 89 899 363 0) and from BIOPIX DNA TECHNOLOGY S.A. at sales@biopix-t.com (Tel: +30 2810 391985).