#Verticilium #dahliae is the most important wilt #pathogen of #olive #trees with a broad host range causing devastating diseases currently without any effective chemical control. Traditional detection methodologies are based on symptoms-observation or lab-detection using time consuming culturing or molecular techniques.
BIOPIX-T’s #PEBBLE can be used as a field-deployable #portable #device for the real-time #detection of V. dahliae in olive trees based on a #quantitative #colorimetric #LAMP protocol. Starting from crude olive tree wood and with minimal sample preparation, PEBBLE can detect trees infected with V. dahliae with #high #sensitivity and in just 35 min, without the need for technical expertise and specialized equipment.
The method is highly #simplified incorporating just one pre-amplification step before transfer to the #qcLAMP device; the ability to obtain real-time #results on a tablet combined with the capability for #connectivity and #wireless #data #transfer to a decision-making #center provides promising #alternative to currently used laboratory-based #diagnostic #methods.
The #detection of a #plant #pathogenic #fungus with #LAMP coupled with a #portable #prototype real-time #colorimetric LAMP platform without the need to extract purified DNA from the samples, as evaluated in the important wilt pathogen V. dahliae in olive, lays the ground for on-site #early #detection of #plant #pathogens.
You can read our paper, on Plant Methods 20, 139 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13007-024-01251-x
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB)
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
Biology Department University of Crete
Gizeli Biosensors Group
Electra Gizeli
Agricultural University of Athens
Hellenic Mediterranean University